(850) 434-6615 Society of St. Vincent dePaul Council of Pensacola-Tallahassee, Inc.

So what is the Society of St. Vincent de Paul?

We are a society of people on a spiritual journey, trying to increase our knowledge of and participation in God’s plan for us. One of the ways we grow spiritually is to help our neighbors in times of need and SVDP is the perfect vehicle for facilitating this help.

We are a Society of . . . . . . listening to people’s struggles and hardships and trying to help them in the best way we can.

We are a Society of . . . . . .help, keeping a family out of the dark by paying their electric bill; keeping a roof over a family’s head when eviction threatens.

We are a Society of . . . . . food bags delivered with a smile, of dignity delivered to those who need it most – a fresh perspective and a view of the possibilities.

We are a Society of . . . . . . promise for the future by helping with tuition, providing clothing and shoes for a child returning to school, or we are that gentle nudge to finish high school or complete a GED.

We are a Society of . . . . smiles and a listening ear; hope for those who feel as if they will never stop struggling, to those who see no light at the end of the tunnel.

We are a Society of . . . . . a hot shower, fresh laundry and a filling meal for the homeless, of one person’s cast offs being turned into another person’s treasures, of children’s smiles at Christmas time.

We are a Society of ...dentures and a confident smile for those who thought they could never smile again.

How to Volunteer

"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.', Matthew 25:40

St. Vincent DePaul of Pensacola-Tallahassee relies on its many volunteers and donors to continue to provide its outstanding services and programs to everyone in need. Whether you decide to become involved by volunteering, donating money, attending or sponsoring an event, or helping in other ways, we guarantee you will be more fulfilled providing for others.

We are always in need of volunteers for our Thrift Stores, Food pantries, warehouse and Alfred-Washburn center.

If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, you can:

Call: (850) 434-6615 Ext 3

Email: treno@svdpnwfl.org

Mail: P. O. Box 17645, Pensacola, FL 32522

(c) 2014 St. Vincent de Paul, District Council of Pensacola - Tallahassee • 2200 W. DeSoto Street • Pensacola, Florida • 32522 • Phone: (850) 434-6615